This will be the first garment for sale online. And it's an experiment! An experiment in exploring a more symbiotic form of commerce, starting with the tiniest garment: a g-string.

Making garments for high-volume sales is complicated, and doing it ethically is even more so. But it's important to me, and I want to believe it's important to you all, too. So I'll be providing a breakdown of all the labor that goes into this tiny garment, going all the way back to the cooperative farm in Texas where the organic cotton is grown. After searching for years, I've managed to find a source for 100% natural elastic, too - this means that when your underwear is ready to be laid to rest after a long full life, you can literally return it back to the earth.  

My hope is that by dispelling the mysteries usually kept from the public and getting curious about the people, the places, and the amount of labor that goes into making a garment, that it will shift the way we see its value. 

And you'll get the choice of how to value it, by naming your price. This thong will be offered on a sliding scale, because valuing something doesn't mean we all have the money to pay for it. And if you can't afford good underwear, it's likely you're not being valued as much as you should be, either. If enough people can afford to pay full price, this experiment can thrive & in turn support the supply system that in turn supports their communities & their ecosystems. That would be exciting. 

I'm developing a size range of XXS-6X, with flat-front, pouch-front, and gaff options. And the thong will include adjustable side straps with detachable closures for accessibility! 

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